Hope you didn't get blown away too much by the wind in London? I have been recuperating from a packed week of Blogmas and my Fashion Photography course. I will tell you about the course later. We're back today with Day 6 of blogmas and it's handling grief during the Christmas season.
Easy Ways You Can Save Money for Christmas
Hello my lovely giraffes. How have you been? It's been incredibly cold here in the UK and I am convinced that autumn has left the building. Anyway, we all know that the Christmas season is quickly approaching which can be financially draining. So part 2 of my money series (part 1 here), are some easy ways you can save money for Christmas.
Saving Money: 7 Things You’re Forgetting To Do
Hello my lovely giraffes. I'm always sharing fashion outfit ideas, travel guides or tips and beauty related info. The one topic I haven't really spoken about is, money. We need money to pay for flights, no matter how cheap you may get them. You need money for those hot shoes. Basically you need money for a lot of things including savings. Here are 7 things you're forgetting to do when it comes to saving money.
4 Fabulous Things to Splash Out On
Hello my lovely giraffes! It’s hard work being ‘Full-Time Fabulous’ all the time. Really, it is. There’s making time for all of your fabulous friends while doing the exotic and fabulous things, like travelling to Bali. Oh and of course there's your own unique fabulous look you’ve gotta have going on. Regardless of whether you're 55 or 35 here are 4 fabulous things to splash out on. They are utterly fabulous, cost money and time but completely worth it!
Smart Girl’s Guide to Avoid Being Ripped Off
Many women feel nervous about doing some things alone. From buying a car to travelling solo, it can sometimes feel the cost of things goes up just because you’re a woman by yourself. Avoid the hidden extras added by patronising car salesman, travel agents who add costs to make you feel safe and other unscrupulous types. Read on for these tips in the smart girl's guide to avoid being ripped off.
How to Cope During a Heatwave
Hello my lovely giraffes it's been hot in England and all across Europe. I love the heat, bright sunshine and wearing less layers. However, some days have been hotter than Trinidad and Tobago. London can't cope with this and most people can't cope with this. I posted a few tips on my Instagram but if you don't follow me or have social media, a post might be helpful. Here are my tips on how to cope during a heatwave.