Hello travel fiends! I’ve seen this trend going around on Tiktok and thought I would do it blog post style. So it’s all about the 5 things I would never do. Here are my 5 things I would never do as a travel fiend because there are just some no nos in my book. Let me know what yours are in the comments below.
5 Things I Would Never Do As A Travel Fiend
Wait On Others
The first thing I would never do is to wait on someone to book a trip. In the past I was that girl who wanted to travel and go to places but waited on others. What ended up happening was it either never happened or, they went without me after saying they didn’t want to go there. I speak more about it here but, I learnt a valuable lesson and happily book trips as and when I please.
Connecting Flights
When I say connecting flights, I mean flights with under a 2 hour connection time. When I went to Cape Verde for my birthday this year, TAP Airline gave us less than 2 hours on the way back in Lisbon. Me thinking at the time of booking, this will be fine because it’s TAP to TAP. Nope and they kicked us off the flight before we even landed. Lesson learned! Unless they’re giving a guarantee, I will not be booking flights with short connection times.

Saving for Travel
Over the years I’ve realised how important travelling is for me. Not to flex for the ‘gram although it’s nice to share. Or, to make it seem as though I live this luxurious lifestyle which is far from the truth. I just really enjoy getting on the plane and landing somewhere new and exploring. So for me, it’s a priority and as such I will save for my trips. I do various money saving challenges, look for sales and more to be able to continue to do what I love. If you’d like to know how I book cheap flights click here.
Local Food
What is the point of going to a country that’s completely different from your own and not trying the food? This is what I say to myself whenever I land somewhere new. I generally ask locals what and where they eat so I can have that experience. I’m always reminded of that old British movie, Shirley Valentine, where she goes to Greece and tries all the Greek food. In comparison to a lot of the other guests who just wanted to have the same food they have at home. Food is such a big part of a culture and why wouldn’t I want that experience? I’m not going to go to Mexico and not try tacos or mezcal.
I understand that people have food intolerances and allergies, I’m not referring to you.
Lounge Access
This might make me seem bougie however let me explain. I had to go home one year and on my way back, the first flight was delayed and I missed my connecting flight. I was then left to spend 8 hours in an airport for the next flight. Had I not had lounge access the wait would have been even more difficult. I use Priority Pass and have mentioned them several times before. For me, it’s worth the annual fee of £189 and I’ve seen how helpful it is for people travelling with young children.
These are the 5 things I would never do as a travel fiend. Have you seen this trend on tiktok before? What are your 5 things? Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading and until next time, be well! x