Hello beauties! Are you still in lockdown? Semi-lockdown? Or has things returned to normal where you are? I was talking to my gorgeous amiga Claudia and she suggested I write a blog post and call it my commandments. So here are my 10 life commandments and I hope they inspire you to think of your own or, you can borrow mine ;). Don’t forget to let me know your favourite commandment.
My 10 Life Commandments
Thou Shalt Not Buy Cheaply Made Shoes
Let’s get it out of the way. Cheap, poorly made shoes are not your friend. They do not serve your feet, no matter how cute they may look. There’s nothing cute about having blisters and bruises on your feet. Buy the best quality you can afford. Your feet will thank you 10 years from now.
Thou Shalt Learn to Cook
Please learn to cook because you need to eat. Cooking is a life skill that all of us need to know. I’m not a gourmet chef but I can whip up something that’s more than edible. I can also follow a recipe or 3 š
Thou Shalt Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Sticking with food, fruits and vegetables are my bff! Whilst I may enjoy the beige parade, colourful fruits and vegetables do fill me and my body with joy. I imagine that when I’m 60, my organs will thank me. Bake, boil or use them in smoothies.

Thou Shalt Never Stop Learning
My mother was an inspiration to me for many reasons. However, the one that I’ve taken on board wholeheartedly is to never stop learning. Learning for me can take many forms (read here) and it keeps my brain ticking over.
Thou Shalt Travel
Of course I needed to include travel in my 10 life commandments. I’ve spoken about the benefits of travel before, so won’t be going on and on about it. Essentially, travel is a life commandment because I learn and it fires up my creativity.

Thou Shalt Save
I remember when I lived in Trinidad and worked in banking, I saw firsthand the importance of having savings and investments. To me, I see it as a monthly expense. My life, like everyone else, has been filled with a lot of uncertainties. Saving has alleviated some of the anxiety that comes with these situations. It may not cover everything but, knowing I can at least meet my bills whilst things are being sorted helps.
Thou Shalt not Follow Every Trend
I’ve learned that not every trend that passes, requires my participation. There’s nothing worse than trying to fit into a trend that doesn’t work for you. For instance, I love the puff sleeve ruffle trend but, I have built in shoulder pads and it doesn’t look good on me. I will watch from afar and find something that does look good.

Thou Shalt not Tolerate Bad Sex
Let’s face it, most of us have had that experience where the sex wasn’t pleasurable. Life is truly short to be in a situation where you’re constantly having bad sex. Learn about your body and what pleases you then teach your significant other. Don’t cheat yourself out of good orgasms. It’s of course important to recognise where there are issues if any, if you’re a man; consider if your testosterone levels have decreased or, if you struggle to maintain an erection in recent years. It’s worth visiting an ED Clinic Atlanta (or elsewhere more relevant) in order to get professional help if this might be able to fulfil your partner better, which will make you both happier in time.
Thou Shalt do the Work
I’m a big fan of doing the work. By doing the work, I don’t necessarily mean a job, I mean me. Being on the earth for 40 years has taught me that we are our greatest projects that we will need to work on. Focusing on me has helped me to grow as a person and I will continue to do the work.

Thou Shalt Realise Material Things Don’t Matter so Much
We are constantly bombarded by things. A thing to make us feel better, look prettier and so on. Whilst I enjoy the material side to life, I know that there’s more to life. Otherwise, it would be plain old boring and there would be little to no depth in life. For me, I’ve found that connecting to a higher power, I call it God, you can call it whatever you like, helps me. Being a multifaceted person (like we all are), I need to nourish all parts of me.
These are my 10 life commandments, do you have any commandments that you can share in the comments? I have more but 10 is a good place to start at :).
As always, thank you for reading and remember to subscribe for more content. Until next time, be well! x