• 8 Trips Every Woman Should Take in their Lifetime

    8 trips every woman should take in their lifetime

    Hello beautiful, how are you doing today? I know that not everyone is a travel junkie like myself however, you must have a mental list of places you'd like to visit? You may have seen it in a magazine or someone's Instagram and thought, yes I'd love to visit there. There are different types of trips and actually, I think there are 8 trips every woman should take. Some you may have done already and some, you'd like to visit with friends.

  • 5 Places Worth Visiting on Solo Trips

    5 places worth visiting on solo trips - the berlin wall gallery

    Hello there my wanderlust kindred spirits. It's a bit of a funny time for a lot of things, especially travel, but that shouldn't stop you from planning that trip. Which is why I'm sharing 5 places worth visiting on solo trips. So if you're wanting to take the plunge and book that solo trip, this is for you. Well anybody really but you know what I mean!

  • My 2020 Travel Bucketlist

    My 2020 travel bucketlist

    If you're an avid reader of my blog, thank you, then you would know about the travel bucketlists. Every year (2018 ), I share with you the places I would like to visit. Some I manage to travel to and others remain on the list. This is my 2020 travel bucketlist and please share yours with me. I'm nosey like that :)

  • My Best Ever Holiday….So Far!

    My best ever holiday- temple in Monkey Forest Bali

    Hello you travel junkies! Thanks for the love on my recent posts on Lisbon, it was a fantastic holiday (read here and here) but it isn't my best ever holiday. If you've been reading my blog for awhile you would know that my best ever holiday is Bali! I will stick a caveat here and say that I'm still alive and able to travel so I would hope this could be beaten :)

  • Places Crossed off My Wanderlust List

    places crossed off my wanderlust list

    Hello my travel giraffes can you believe it's already the second week of 2018? Nope, I can't believe it either! As time seems to be speeding by (except for January), I thought it would be great to take stock of the places crossed off my wanderlust list. I have shared a couple of these list with you (here and here) plus I have a few tucked away in my head but, I haven't really shared the ones I have ticked off.