Tips on How to Survive a Long Haul Flight

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Hey travel bunnies, how have you been? If you follow my Instagram, you would know that I recently celebrated my birthday in Malaysia. So, I thought I would share my tips on how to survive a long haul flight especially if there’s a layover. Don’t worry, I will be sharing what I got up to in Malaysia and give any tips in case it’s on your bucketlist.

Tips on How to Survive a Long Haul Flight

Toiletry Bag

Firstly, carry a toiletry bag in your carry-on luggage. It can be a bit of a pain with the liquid allowance but trust me, it’s worth it. Ensure that you have your toothbrush and some toothpaste in there. Along with, any of your skincare products. I’m a big fan of the Tatcha minis for this exact reason, plus a little goes a long way. Plus, if you are in an airport lounge with a shower you’ll need your toiletry bag.

Sheet Masks

We all know flights can dehydrate your skin so a hydrating face mask can be helpful in helping you to manage the dryness. Korean sheet masks are top tier in my humble opinion however, Simple has a hydrating one for under £4 at Superdrug (here). There are even ones that you can sleep in which I will test out and report back with my thoughts.

Use the Lounge Facilities

If you find yourself with a layover that’s over 4 hours and can afford to, please use the lounge. For the Malaysia trip, there was a layover in Istanbul and on the way back we used the lounge. It was huge and had shower facilities alongside a buffet and the usual amenities. It was so lovely to have a shower to wash away the previous hours of flying and just refresh. They provided a disposable towel and had shower gel , shampoo and conditioner in the shower cubicle.

Keep a Change of Clothes

If you have a shower then you’ll need a change of clothes. Keep a set in your carry-on so when the opportunity arises, you can change into fresh clothes and underwear. Or, if you have nice pyjamas or lounge wear that’s comfortable. There’s nothing better than boarding a flight feeling comfortable, fresh and clean. It gives a whole different experience.

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So this tip depends entirely on the time and length of the flight. If you’ll be landing in the morning, try and sleep as much as you can on the flight. If you’re a light sleeper and light affects you, get a sleep mask and earplugs. Turkish Airlines provided a pouch with socks, eye sleep mask, toothpaste, toothbrush and earplugs. If the generic sponge earplugs don’t work for you, try loop earplugs which have different categories and start from £20.


It’s very tempting to sit in your seat for the duration of your flight. Please don’t! Get up and stretch your body. Everytime you get up to use the bathroom, use it as an opportunity to stand and stretch. Touch your toes, do a couple of lunges and reach your hands to the sky you’re already in :). If you need more tips, check out this post from Nadia, my favourite Osteopath.

Stay Hydrated

Of course I couldn’t give you tips without mentioning hydration. Drink as much water as you can. Take an empty water bottle with you and once you’ve passed security, fill it up with water. It can be annoying getting up and down to use the toilet but, a) you’re staying hydrated and b) you’re moving your body both of which are a win, win combo.

These are my tips on how to survive a long haul flight that I’ve picked up over the years. Let me know which tip you will be trying in the comments below.

Thanks for reading and until next time, be well! x

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!