Hello my skincare junkies and welcome to another skincare related post. I have to admit, I’ve kind of slowed down on the beauty related posts. Not because my love for skincare has waned, it’s just that I’m being more mindful of what I am using. Plus, you know when you find something that works so you stick with it? That’s where I am however, there have been products that I’m really enjoying and thought I would share. Here are the skincare products I’ve been loving this summer.
Skincare Products I’ve Been Loving this Summer
Ren Ready Steady Glow Tonic
I’ve written about the Ren brand before, here, and I’m still glowing on about it :). This acid toner has become a staple in my daily skincare routine. After I had my dermaplaning treatment, it seems to have enhanced the ready steady glow tonic even more. I’ve also had some dark spots and it’s steadily clearing that up, which is great for me!

The Inkeylist Hyaluronic Acid
We’re in summer so you’d wonder why the need for hyaluronic acid. However, I’ve been using tretinoin quite a lot and my skin sometimes gets dry and peels. Since I’ve re-introduced this hyaluronic acid from the Inkeylist, the dryness isn’t as intense as it was before. Plus it’s affordable at £5.99 and I can pick up a bottle from Boots or online.

Thank You Farmer Sun Project Water Sunscreen
I was browsing Cultbeauty’s website because I needed a new spf and this brand came up. I was more intrigued by the name than anything. Once I tried it, I’ve found myself dreading the day it ends because it is that good! No white cast left behind after rubbing it in. It’s Spf 50, costs £18 and has a light texture so your pores aren’t clogged. Think I’ve found my holy grail spf. Have you tried it before?

Dermatica Tretinoin
I’ve written a post about tretinoin before and have to say that honestly, I’m still loving it. Yes it does give me some dryness but when I look at the before and after photos, they’re worth it. You can try the service out yourself and see! Your first month is free and you can use my non-affiliated referral link here to get started.

Medik8 C-tetra
I’ve tried a number of vitamin C serums before; some excellent and some meh! However, I think I’ve found my balance with the C-tetra from Medik8. For starters, it’s really nourishing to my skin as the consistency seems to have oil in it. For those who have sensitive skin, it’s worked well on mine which is combination with some sensitivity. It also sits well under my moisturiser and spf.

These are all the skincare products I’ve been loving this summer. The season isn’t over as yet contrary to the rush for autumn so who knows? Maybe there’ll be an updated post. I’d love to hear from you, whether you have tried any of these products before. Also, what are you loving this summer? Let me know in the comments below.
Thanks for reading and until next time, be well! x