Welcome back to day 2 of my 5 days of Christmas gift guides. What did you think about yesterday's guide? Today is all about beauty and I found a few goodies for you. Without further ado, let's get into the beauty Christmas 2018 gift guide.
2018 Christmas Gift Guide for People Who Have Everything
Hello my lovely giraffes! It's finally that time of year where everything is all festive and jolly....allegedley ;). It is also the time where you need to think about what to get for your loved ones and I'm here to help you. This week, I will be publishing a gift guide everyday this week to cover a variety of shopping dilemas. This first one will be a 2018 christmas gift guide for people who have everything. Let's go!
Day 12: Christmas Greetings
Happy eve of Christmas Eve and welcome to Day 12 of my 12 days of Christmas series. Today’s post is...
Day 11: Brightest Smile Memory
Welcome to Day 11 of 12 Days of Christmas Blogmas. I was contacted by Juno Medical to blog about what...
Day 10: True Meaning of Christmas
Happy Wednesday lovely and welcome to Day 10! If you haven’t read day 5 or day 7 be sure to...
Day 9: NYE Party Shoe Inspo
Day 9 is all about shoes! You know I couldn’t do a 12 days of Christmas without showcasing some shoes?...