Hello my beautiful people! How are my over 30 singles doing? As you can tell from the title, I'm talking about 4 reasons to stop waiting on others. I'm a firm believer that, as much as its great to do things with others, you can't wait on people. Here's why.
4 Self Love Ideas for the Over 30 Single Woman
One of the things I wish I knew just before I turned 30 was the importance of self love. Not just the kind where you put on a face mask and luxuriate in a bath, that I did! No, I'm talking about the self love that is practical and necessary if you're over 30. Here are 4 self love ideas for the over 30 single woman.
4 Things 2020 has Taught me….so far
Hey lovelies! It’s been a hot minute since my last blog post. To be honest, I was not in the frame of mind to post anything. A lot has been going on in the world and I just needed to take a bit of a break. It got me thinking about and I wanted to share the 4 things 2020 has taught me so far.
9 Things Helping me Through Isolation
Well hello there my giraffes! How was your weekend? Do you still notice a difference between the week and weekends? Let me know in the comments. Also, I did a little bit of a spruce to the look of the blog...what do you think? This is week 9 of lockdown in the UK so I thought I would share the 9 things helping me through isolation. Maybe you will find something helpful during this slower pace of life.
How to Have a Healthy Daily Routine During Lockdown
Hello my lovely giraffes! How are you coping? I hope you aren't putting any pressure on yourself to be or do anything? However, you may be finding that you need a bit of routine in your life. If this is you, here's how to have a healthy daily routine during lockdown.
Don’t Put So Much Pressure on Yourself
Hello my lovely giraffes! It's week 2 since the UK has gone into lock down. How are you coping? If your mental health is struggling, I wrote a blog post (here) that might help. Today's post is for those of you who are finding it difficult to do anything. Don't put so much pressure on yourself.