Welcome back my lovey giraffes. Today is the second instalment of my wedding guest series. The first one is was all about saving money as a guest and today is on etiquette. So if you've got a wedding coming up read my wedding guest etiquette tips.
Keeping Costs Down as a Wedding Guest
Hello, my lovely giraffes! How are you doing? This month is the start of wedding season and you may have already received your invite. I'm always excited to go witness and help celebrate loved ones special day. However, what I'm not a fan of is the exorbitant cost that seems to be attached to it. If you've been there then you know what I'm talking about. So to help all you lovely people out, I've got some advice on keeping costs down as a wedding guest.
5 Important Life Lessons to Learn Now
Hello my lovely giraffes. I was watching a YouTube video by Dr. Mona Vand on the things that she learned in her life and it inspired me. I thought I must have learned something being on the earth for the past 40 years. Here are my 5 important life lessons I have learnt and hope it helps you.
Making Plans for the Future, What you can do now
Many of us like to live in the here and now, and no one blames you for that. The world is governed upon making the most of every day and minute you have, because the truth is, we don’t know what tomorrow brings. However, there is no harm preparing for tomorrow today, and there are things that you can do that don’t hinder your zest for life, but certainly helps you to acknowledge what the future might have in store for you. With that in mind, here are a few tips when you're making plans for the future.
7 Ways to Feel Good After a Crappy Day
Hello beauties! How are you doing? Today's post is all about those bad, crappy days we all have. I'm sharing 7 ways to feel good after a crappy day because it might just help you get over the day. I know it has helped me in the past, so these are tried and tested tips.
What I Learned About Break Ups
Hello my lovely giraffes. Spring has officially sprung and how wonderful that is. Today's post is all about heart break because we've all been there. Well most of us ;). We all know it's painful to go through a break up but you can learn a lot. Read on to know what I learned about break ups.