5 Important Life Lessons to Learn Now

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Hello my lovely giraffes. I was watching a YouTube video by Dr. Mona Vand on the things that she learned in her life and it inspired me. I thought I must have learned something being on the earth for the past 40 years. Here are my 5 important life lessons I have learnt and hope it helps you.

5 Important Life Lessons

People over Things

Somewhere along the line we’ve started to put things over people and relationships. This is incredibly sad but in some ways I understand it. Things don’t disappoint, betray and can easily be replaced. However, people and healthy relationships enrich our lives. We’re mirrors of each other and we grow as people. Plus, speaking from personal experience, my friends are the ones who talk me down the proverbial ledge when life is hard. Oh and you can’t celebrate your achievements with a phone.

Saying No

Ever notice toddlers when they start forming words, that they start with no? That’s a mood we need to keep. If I think about the amount of times I said yes when it was really no, we’d all be on a yacht. Learning to say no is an important life lesson because it creates space for yes.

Not Waiting for others

One of the 5 important life lessons I learned in the last couple of years, involved not waiting. Sometimes you want to do something, like travel with a friend or family member. However, you get a multitude of excuses or, they’re not quite ready. Take my advice, go do it on your own. Do not wait for other people or you will be filled with regret. If it’s travel, I’ve got tips on how to begin travelling solo. You will not regret doing something that makes your heart sing.

Taking care of my Skin

You know I’m a skincare junkie and I’m actually not ashamed of it. My skin is the largest organ and I need to look after it. It’s less about ageing and more about keeping it healthy. For me, when my skin is clear and healthy looking, I feel good and that is a great feeling. It’s a trial and error but, I don’t regret investing in finding the right product and treatment for my skin.

Risk Taking

Finally, one major lesson I have learned is about taking risks. Sometimes they worked out and sometimes they didn’t but I am grateful I took the risk. Every time I take a risk, I learn about myself, there’s self development and a feeling of accomplishment. Oh and there’s nothing worse than the feeling of regret that you didn’t do something. The next risk I would like to tackle is being seen by doing more fashion posts with me in them. Kinda like with these pictures 😉

These are the 5 important life lessons I’ve learned. How about you? What are your important life lessons? Let me know in the comments below.

As always, thank you for reading and commenting.

Until next time, be well! x

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!