Happy 2025 beautiful people! How was the end and start to your year? Let me know in the comments below. Mine was surprisingly good! Old Years into New Year, usually finds me in pyjamas in bed eating some kind of chocolate or cake. This year however, I was on a beach in Cannes watching the firework display drinking champagne out of a teacup. I know right! Anyway, today’s post is all about the wellness items I use from Amazon. Just to say, you don’t have to purchase any of these items. I’m simply sharing what I’ve purchased, use and found useful.
Wellness Items I Use from Amazon
Gratitude Journal
This isn’t a new year, new me thing. This is something that I always do and it makes me feel better. I’ve written posts before about the importance of gratitude regardless of what’s happening in your life. I know you can simply write in a notebook but, I do like having something to focus on. They can get a bit pricey but I found this one on Amazon that starts from £12.99 depending on the colour you choose. I like it because it’s simple yet makes me think and I include as part of my morning and evening routines.

Yoga Mat
I decided that I wanted to resume Bikram yoga classes and maybe even try out hot pilates. It also helped that I found an offer on GroupOn. Don’t be sleeping on these websites! It’s been a hot minute (pun intended ;)) since I’ve done one of these classes and I needed to get myself a mat. Specifically a mat that I can wrap and throw over my shoulder. This particular yoga mat is ideal due to the thickness and portability. Plus it was under £10!
Grip Socks
Before the hype of reformer pilates, I was doing mat and reformer pilates. This was all pre-covid when things weren’t crazy expensive! Most studios have a new member offer and I saw one that was convenient to me at 2 for £25 so I signed up. A requirement for these classes are to wear grip socks and off to Amazon I went and found 4 pairs for under £7. I’ve found them comfortable and they don’t slip off my heels. I haven’t done the washing as of writing this post but I can update how they washed if you ask me in the comments below ;).
Fitness Tracker Watch
I was never a watch girl, track my steps nor any of that. However, I noticed that when I work from home at my 8am to 6pm gig, I barely walk. So I started using my phone and going for walks early morning and/or on my lunch break. Sometimes it worked and I had to remember to keep my phone on me at all times. Eventually, I bit the bullet and got a fitness tracker watch. My requirements were simple: waterproof, small face, comfortable band and under £20. I found this and more from a brand called, Mingdaln. Wearing it has encouraged me to move a lot more and I can also track my workouts. Do you have a fitness tracker watch? Or are you more of a fitness ring person? I’d love to know how the 2 compares.

Weighted Plates
Whilst I dabble in pilates and yoga classes, my core workouts take place via the Centr Fitness app. I’ve spoken about this in many a post before. One of the many features I enjoy on this app are the challenges. It could be anywhere from 4 weeks to 14 weeks which I did do over the summer and loved the results. To challenge myself I decided to get some heavier plates. These iron plates are not cheap but they do yield results. I got 4, 2.5kgs which totals 10kgs that I’ve added on to my existing ones. Have I noticed a difference? Yes! Definitely feeling the burn a lot more!
Collagen Face Masks
A wellness beauty related item are these collagen face masks. I tried the ones from Le’vanity and once I got the hang of them, I loved them! Or rather, I love how my skin looks and feels when I wake up the next day. However, they’re now over £40 and I would rather put that towards a face serum that works or, a flight! I did a search and found a few options but eventually settled on these. For starters, it contains ultra low collagen molecules, hyaluronic acid and it stays on your skin throughout the night. Did I also mention that you get 6 in a box for under £15? Have you tried any of these collagen overninght face masks? What did you think of them?
These are a few of the wellness items I use from Amazon. Do you have a list of items that you purchase from Amazon? Share in the comments and let me know what you think about my list.
As always, thank you for reading and commenting. Until next time, be well! X