8 Life Hacks for Your Growth and Development

Hello beautiful humans how have you been? If you’re in the UK, did you enjoy the bank holiday weekend? Summer seems to be coming to an end very rapidly! As cosy (and cold) season is quickly coming up, I thought I would share 8 life hacks for your growth and development. A lot of these things can be done when you’re at home so by the time summer comes around again it’s ingrained.

8 Life Hacks for your Growth and Development

Never Stop Learning

To start this list, don’t stop learning. Learning helps you to grow and develop in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine. It helps you to stay young mentally, adds passion to your life, builds your confidence and help you make friends. Don’t believe me? Have you tried learning a new language and speaking said language in the country that speaks it. Most people I have encountered in Italy where I try some basic Italian to purchase tickets are pleasantly surprised. When I go in the next day, they remember me and tell me the best routes to take. Or, in San Sebastian, I told the waitress I needed to practice Spanish so she happily rattled off the specials and miraculously I understood what she said. What’s that one thing you’ve always thought you’d love to learn? It could be jewellery making, welding, painting or photography.

Enjoy Company….Your Own

I enjoy the company of others and I derive so much joy from spending time with friends and family. I also love my own company. Spending time on your own can help you come back to yourself, it’s an act of self-care and self-love. You’re not alone, you’ve got yourself with you. Take yourself for a stroll and just observe other people and yourself observing them. What do you notice about how you feel? Spending alone time allows you to hear yourself again. This especially helps if you’re used to asking others for their opinion. You are strong and smart enough to make decisions for yourself, all on your own.

Get Your Money Up

It would be nice if money didn’t make the world go round but it does. Regardless of how non-extravagant your life may be, you still need money. Instead of being afraid or resentful towards money, get to understand it. The more you know more about money, the more you control it and it doesn’t control you. You might even enjoy saving especially if you give yourself a challenge. Your brain will love it! You could start off with a simple £1 money saving challenge. Start on the 1st Jan and save £1-day 1, £2 – day 2 and so on. Attach a reward at the end of it to make it enjoyable for you. Plus, there’s nothing worse than constantly worrying over money and having some savings can help alleviate some of that anxiety.

Diversity in Friendships

Having a variety of friends can help you grow and develop in ways you wouldn’t have thought about. I have the friends I can travel with. One friend I go to the theatre with and another who challenges me to be more mindful of others who have invisible disabilities. Your friendships should reflect the person you are and simultaneously inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

Be Charitable

The world isn’t fair or even equitable. That’s the unfortunate reality of living on this ball whilst moving through space. There will be people who are less fortunate than us and having compassion towards them is very human. Extending a helping hand in whatever way that looks like for you is a great reminder that we’re all just people trying our best. Helping others helps us to develop that compassion and kindness muscle. It becomes part of who you are and not just a tagline on social media.

Invest in that Skin

You know I’m a self proclaimed skincare junkie so of course I had to add something about skincare. Investing in your skin helps with your growth by helping you to feel confident in your skin. We can all preach about self-acceptance which we all need however, self-acceptance does mean recognising when we need to do self-care. Look after your skin. Us the sunscreen to protect your skin. Wash the makeup off every night and pay the extra £5 for the serums that you know work for your skin. You will look good and feel good. That’s priceless.

Move that…

I know that i’ve waxed lyrical many times about moving your body. I’m not saying you need the gym because I’m at the gym. I am in my living room before I start work with some weights or doing yin yoga when I feel anxious. I’m also walking sometimes jogging as the weather is still nice because getting fresh air helps with my mental wellbeing. Movement doesn’t have to be prescriptive, it’s whatever you enjoy doing because endorphins makes you feel happy and happy people are beautiful.

Get Your Zen On

My last hack for your growth and development is around the unseen. Spirituality. Life is challenging and we need something to give it meaning. Whatever you believe in lean into that a bit more. Read up on it, meditate, do the rituals, pray, light the candles, visit the temple, church, mosque or holy place. You don’t have to believe in God but maybe you believe in angels or nature. Whatever it is, having a spiritual practice can come in clutch when life is throwing its all at you.

These are my 8 life hacks for growth and self development. Do you think I missed any out? Let me know your hacks in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and until next time, be well! X

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!