Welcome back to the blog you beautiful human! Something no one asked for but, I’m sharing my current morning routine. I was really giving a snake legs and complicating things and it wasn’t working for me. After really thinking about what was important and works for me, I narrowed it down to a few things. Hopefully this will give you some inspiration or ideas, if you’re looking for a morning routine. Side note, none of this ground breaking.
My Current Morning Routine
Box Breathing
In a previous life, I was a counsellor and deep breathing or connecting to the breath was something I always advised clients. I do the same for myself every morning. It helps me get in touch with how and what I’m feeling. If it’s something that will affect me throughout the day, this is when I pull out my trusty journal and get it out of my head. To do box breathing, it’s simply inhale for the count of 4, hold for 4 and exhale for 8. You repeat for about 4 -5 times. Try it for a week and let me know how you feel.
Praying is something that is important to me, regardless of my faith. It helps me to feel grounded and that I don’t have to carry heavy loads. For some people, praying is saying a set of prayers. For me, it’s finding things to be grateful for and having a conversation. Also, hats off to those who can pray for hours upon hours. I like to think I get straight to the point :).
I’ve spoken before about exercise or having some kind of movement before. I’ve gotten into the habit of working out 3-4 times a week in the morning. The morning works for me because, if I had to workout in the evening, it wouldn’t happen! There’s an app I use called, Centr Fitness which has a multitude of workouts for different levels. I also like it because it’s very holistic in that there’s meditations, health articles, meal plans and different workout styles.

Making Smoothies
Sometimes, I can’t be bothered to eat a full breakfast so I make smoothies instead. Some days I wake up and can just about get my brain to fully function, especially if I didn’t sleep well. A peach and ginger smoothie can really get the brain going. I generally get my recipes from the Centr app (I promise this isn’t an advert for them!). It’s simple, easy, filling and nutritious.
Listening to Positive Things
The final thing I do in my current morning routine is to listen to positive or uplifting things. The world is noisy and filled with so much negativity. I’m not a fan of false positivity but goodness, we don’t need the constant bombardment. Balance is what we should aim for. In light of this, I listen to uplifting music or affirmations. My favourite song obsession is, Joy featuring Pharrell or Vivir Mi Vida by Mark Anthony. A little dance whilst doing my skincare is very helpful!
These are the 5 things I do in my current morning routine, what do you do in the mornings? Leave me a comment and share. Who knows, there might be something I can add or tweak.
As always thank you for reading and leaving a comment, it means a lot to me! Until next time, be well! X