*collaborated post
Hello beautiful people! Welcome back to the blog if you’re a regular reader. Or, welcome if you’re new to the blog. Today’s post is on how to protect your jewelry while travelling. We all know that jewelry can take an outfit from plain Jane to wow! It’s a great way to rinse and restyle outfits whilst travelling. However, one of the harsh realities of bringing jewelry would the chances of it getting stolen. There are many ways that jewelry can get stolen while travelling. So it is important that you protect your valuables before or during travel. But even if it doesn’t get stolen, other things could happen such as your jewelry breaking! Whether you own opal, diamonds, or pearls, here are some ways you can keep your jewelry safe from theft when packing for a trip.
How to Protect Your Jewelry While Travelling
What Types of Jewelry You Shouldn’t Pack?
Common questions people ask when packing for a trip is what types of jewelry they should and shouldn’t pack. But to simply put it, it’s going to depend. How much is your belongings worth? Where exactly are you going? Whether or not you’re going overseas doesn’t entirely matter either. What do you think will most likely get stolen? What is easily breakable? You need to think about all of this. Also, what type of luggage are you bringing? Watches, necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings are all considered delicate pieces of jewelry. These should be packed in your carry-on bag or checked luggage.
Why You Need to Protect Your Jewelry When Travelling
When it comes to travelling, things get shuffled around, there’s no denying that at all. Whether you’re going by car, bus, boat, or whatever, it happens. If you’re so inclined to bring jewelry on your trip then it’s best to put it somewhere that lessens the chance of it getting damaged. Essentially, you’re going to want to look into some ways to keep them safe and secure. This can include only leaving items in your carry on bag, storing them in a safe at the hotel, and avoid leaving them out for anyone to swipe.

How to Safely Pack and Transport Your Jewelry While Travelling
When it comes to safely and properly transporting your jewelry, here are some tips and ideas that you could utilise:
– Use a large zip-lock bag if you have an expensive item that is not fragile. Put the item in the bag and seal it up before putting it inside your suitcase. This way, if it breaks during transit, the damage will be minimal.
– Wrap your jewelry in tissue paper and then put them into a small box with some padding material around it to protect from any damages that might happen during transit.
– Pack your jewels in a case or case with an extra zipper so that they won’t get scratched when going through airport security scanners.
– Look into travel jewelry cases, these were made to specifically protect jewelry.
In general, you can keep even the finest jewelry completely safe when travelling. It just takes some time, proper research, and diligence.
These are all the tips I have for you today on how to protect your jewelry while travelling. How do you protect your jewelry when you’re travelling? I’d love to know in the comments below.
Thank you for reading and until next time, be well! x