Hello my beautiful people, welcome back to the blog. How have you been? Are you happy the autumnal season has begun? Or are you still longing for summer days? I enjoy seeing the seasons change but not the cold nor the 40 days of rain the UK seem to be experiencing. Anyways, today’s topic is about money. Specifically I’m sharing 4 easy ways to save money on solo trips.
4 Easy Ways to Save Money on Solo Trips
These are the ways in which I am able to travel as much as I do. I’m just a regular smegular single girl and these are my tried and true methods.
Be Organised
Yes it may seem too easy but really, being organised can save you money on travel. Firstly, look at least a year ahead into 2021 or even 2022. Secondly, decide where you would like to go and how many trips you would like to take. Now that you have those key ingredients, you can look at when. Have a look at when is the best time to visit said places. Also take note of when school holidays are in your own country and travel outside of that. Being organised can save you a bit of coin.
Credit Card with Airmiles
I have probably waxed lyrical about this tip so many times I cannot tell you. I’ll probably continue to do so until I’m blue in the face. Get yourself a credit card that earns you airmiles. Most major airlines are attached to some credit card company e.g. Amex and Mastercard. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve used airmiles towards flights and paid less than £50 for some of them.

My go to website for hotels is booking.com and please believe that I will continue to book through them, until something better comes along. For, 95% of my trips, I have always managed to secure affordably priced hotels. Oh and they’re not some shack where you can’t touch the sheets. A couple of features I love with booking.com is the option to book now and pay later. Also, there’s the option to book with free cancellation. Given these dynamic times, it’s a great option to have.
Tip: book a room for 2 people as they tend to be cheaper than one. Plus you get a bigger bed 😉

Secretly Jack
There are 2 apps I have on my phone and notifications are turned all the way on for them. That’s Jack’s Flight Club and Secret Flying Club. These apps are the ultimate savers on flights and sometimes 5* hotels too. They are both free but JFC has a membership option which gives you daily updates instead of weekly. My £50 flights to Iceland were via Jack’s Flight Club via Easyjet. Using my first tip, I was able to save for the activities that I wanted do like, the Blue Lagoon.

Do you see how easy it is to solo travel inexpensively? Have you tried these 4 easy ways to save money on solo travel before? Or do you have some tips and tricks of your own? Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you for reading and remember to subscribe. Until next time, be well! x