3 Easy Ways to Level-Up Your Home Decor- (Ad)

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Hello lovelies! How have you been? Restrictions in the UK have been easing but I have to be honest, I haven’t really been going out. I’ve gotten used to being indoors and enjoying it. Whilst we were more restricted, I had some time to look at what areas in my home that needed some leveling up. So if you’re like me and need to make your space more you, here are 3 easy ways to level-up your home decor.

3 Easy Ways to Level-Up Your Home Decor

Do It Yourself

Hear me out! I know diy’s can be a bit tricky but, there are quite a few easy peasy ones. For instance *Lovecrafts.com have a plethora of diy materials and they have tutorials. They provided me with some yarn and I had a couple of ideas of what to make. Since I was on a home decor kick, I decided to make some curtain ties.

The yarn was great quality and the curtain ties were really easy to make and I couldn’t be happier with them. The curtains, I purchased from Ikea and the tassle curtain ties were a great addition.

What do you think? Check out *Lovecrafts.com for more ideas. They have some beautiful fabric which would look great as cushions.


The second way to level-up your home decor is by looking at your lighting. This would be your ceiling lights, floor lamps, table lamps and natural light. Having the right amount of light is very important. Have you ever walked into a room and it felt drab but you tied the curtains and it gave a different feel? That’s the lighting. I found an affordable website called Iconic Lights with some great options.

3 easy ways to level-up your home decor - lighting

Move It Around

My final tip in my 3 easy ways to level-up your home decor is to move stuff around. I found that my bedroom was feeling a bit claustrophobic. Mostly because I have a few pairs of shoes. Okay I have a lot of shoes. Anyway, I decided to move the furniture around to create more space.

3 easy ways to level-up your home decor- furniture

My flatmate did the same thing for our living room which gave it a feeling of space and yet warmth.

There are still a few more things I’d like to do but I’m quite happy with the way things are progressing. These are my 3 easy ways to level-up your home decor.

I’d love to hear from you. Have you been doing any home decor since lock down? Let me know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and until next time, be well! x

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!