Hello, my lovely giraffes! It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a more personal, ranty type post. Today is your lucky day because you’re going to get one…yay you! So here are my 5 life updates of 2019.
My 5 Life Updates of 2019
My Health
If you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I had a little accident at my 9 to 5 gig. If you didn’t, why aren’t you following me on Instagram? Frowny face. Anyway I fell through a chair which on one hand is hilarious, on the other hand, it’s been really painful. I’ve got physiotherapy scheduled for it because I’m not trying to have back issues at 60!
I did my last trip last month, which was also a solo trip and I had such a lovely time. Being a travel junkie, I’m always thinking about the next trip and I’ve already got a few booked for next year already. So keep an eye out for where I end up because I’m excited and I don’t get very excited until I get on the plane.

I haven’t done a lot of skincare reviews recently because I have reduced the number of products. This does not mean that I won’t do them, I just need to be a bit more selective. Also, I have been going for skincare treatments at a clinic called Eudelo to deal with the redness on my cheeks. I will be honest, it’s expensive and I’m not sure if it will work. Not because the treatments aren’t any good but, nor that the staff aren’t knowledgeable. They know how to treat and look after darker skin tones which is great. The reason it probably won’t work is because I can only afford 3 facials and because a visit to the dermatologist will be needed. And that will require some saving. The positives are that I have started using retinol regularly, I’m noticing less congestion and marks are fading. Oil based products don’t agree with my skin no matter how much I love them.
You guys know I love shoes and even more, I love good quality and well-made shoes. Your feet and back will thank you. So recently, I purchased some pewter coloured ankle boots. The pointy shape isn’t my favourite but I made an exception because they’re so pretty!

As it’s the holiday season I wanted a couple of versatile pieces like these one-shoulder velvet bodysuits. Would you like to see some NYE styling posts? Leave me a comment below.
This year will be the second year since my mom passed away and whilst it’s not as raw as it was last year, it isn’t any better. Despite that I am trying to make an effort because it’s what she would have wanted. I won’t fake how I feel but neither will I allow myself to continuously wallow. It doesn’t serve me or anyone else for that matter. So for anyone who has recently lost someone, it’s okay to feel crappy. It is a rollercoaster ride and you need to be gentle with yourself.
Sticking with Christmas, I am going to attempt to do 12 days of Christmas on the blog beginning the 9th December until the 24th December. Let me know if there’s anything specific you would like me to cover this year.
Thanks for reading my 5 life updates of 2019. Let me know what’s going on with you and until next time, be well! x