How are you on this Monday? Hope you had a fun filled weekend? In today’s post I’m sharing how I deal with feeling uninspired, since I’ve been feeling that way lately.
You know those moments in your life where you feel completely unmotivated and just no excitement for creating….anything? Well I’ve been going through something like that lately and instead of fighting it, I’m going with the flow. That’s my first tip.
Go with the flow
There’s no point in fighting how you feel, because the more you fight it, the longer it stays. Actually for me I’ve found a bit of inspiration in my uninspired moments, which is such a paradox. I think it’s because you’re forced to sit still long enough to realise that you might be doing too much, or you need to declutter your life or both!
Clear the clutter
If you need to clean out your home, your room, desk, drawer, mind, feelings or whatever is full of space clear it. Not just sweep it away somewhere. No you got to walk up to up, see it for what it is and make peace with what was to let it go. I know it sounds so easy but really it isn’t. It also can take a long time, which is okay. Side note: please do not allow people to give you a deadline on how long your emotional process should take. It’s not a race and we all deal with issues differently.

Have Fun
Yes go out and have fun. Go talk to other people about what they’re doing and what’s happening in their lives. It takes you out of your head, fosters good feelings, build relationships and it might just spark something inside you. I found that when I spoke to friends or people I met at events and listened to their stories, I felt motivated and it sparked a little light in me. For instance I met Jo Malone, who created those amazing candles and perfumes you love aka Jo Malone London. Her talk about her life was incredibly moving and I left feeling a bit more inspired and motivated.
So if you’re into art, museums or basically anything that is creative and gets you feeling good then go do more of that!
That’s what I have gained so far in this slump and if I learn anything else I will be sure to share. Sharing is caring so why not share in the comments below how you overcame an uninspirational time in your life.
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Until next time, be well