Hello beautiful people! How are we all on this last week of July? Hopefully you came through the heatwave relatively unscathed? Saying it was hot, is an understatement and I imagine many were pretty stressed, so here are 6 ways to help you relax. Nothing I say here is going to be ground breaking but think of it as a reminder.
5 Things I Will Improve in 2022
Happy New Year beautiful! How are you? I know it's been a hot minute but how was the holiday season for you? For me, I went away for the first time in almost 2 years. It was part holiday and part photography work in Dubai and Sri Lanka and yes I will do a blog post or 3 for you ;). In light of it being a new year, I thought I would share 5 things I will improve in 2022. Don't worry it's not a 'new year n
4 Skincare Tips Whilst Travelling on a Long Haul Flight
Hello beautiful people! How have you been and welcome to October! I have no idea how we got here so fast but we here! Anyways, restrictions around the globe is slowly lifting and travel is resuming. With this in mind, I'm sharing my 4 skincare tips whilst travelling on a long haul flight.
Skincare Products I’ve Been Loving this Summer
Hello my skincare junkies and welcome to another skincare related post. I have to admit, I've kind of slowed down on the beauty related posts. Not because my love for skincare has waned, it's just that I'm being more mindful of what I am using. Plus, you know when you find something that works so you stick with it? That's where I am however, there have been products that I'm really enjoying and thought I would share. Here are the skincare products I've been loving this summer.
Beauty Treatments I’ve Tried and Liked
Oh hello there my fellow beauty junkie. How's your skin and what new treatments have you tried? Let me know in the comments below because today, I'm sharing the beauty treatments I've tried and liked. I think that having a skincare routine that works for your skin is essential. However, depending on your skin needs, having professional beauty treatments can aid in the end goal. Having the best skin you can possibly have.
My Dermaplaning Experience, A Review
Oh hello there skincare junkie! How's your skin doing with this interesting UK weather? It's been a moment since I've had a beauty done professionally. My last one was on laser hair removal which you can read all about here. Today, I'm sharing my dermaplaning experience that I had recently.