Hello beautiful people! How have you been? Apologies for the abscence but I was on jury service for 2 weeks. I am back with a skincare related post for you and sharing 3 effective spfs to try. I say effective, but the best spf is the one that you use. Summer is well and truly in swing and now more than ever do we need to use an spf. We also need to reapply especially when at the beach.
4 Korean Skincare Brands I Always Use
Hello beauties! It has been a hot minute since I've been on here. Honestly, I've been struggling with what to post and if people still are interested in reading them. I got a bit of inspiration through my photography and decided to write something. We are starting with skincare and I'm sharing the 4 Korean skincare brands I always use. Korean skincare has been around for quite some time and focuses on caring for the skin. Ensuring hydration and building your skin barrier so generally the products are incredibly gentle.
4 Travel Apps I Always Use That You Might Love Too
Hello beautiful travel junkies! Where have you been and where are you going? Today's travel post is all about the 4 travel apps I always use that you might love too! In this modern world, apps are part and parcel of our everyday lives. So why not travel? Obviously, I use others but these are the ones I use the most!
4 Ways Anyone Can Have a Healthy Financial Landscape
Welcome back to the blog beautiful people! Today's post is all about 4 ways anyone can have a healthy financial landscape. We all know that life is more than just money and there’s much more to life than what’s in your bank balance, after all. However, it is important to take some steps to ensure that your finances are in healthy shape. Like it or not, your financial landscape is going to have a significant impact on your ability to live life to the fullest. It's a balancing act! If you haven’t yet taken steps to get your finances in shape, then fear not: it’s very much within your reach. In this blog, we’ll take a look at a few tried and tested methods for improving your finances, which anyone can adopt.
Practical Ways To Keep Your Family Healthy And Happy
Hello beautiful people! Today's post shares 3 practical ways to keep your family healthy and happy. A healthy family is a happy one, and achieving this requires taking proactive steps. It would be helpful to be extra vigilant and take note of the little details in keeping your family healthy. According to UK health indicators, 75.3% of males and 75.7% of women are healthy. However, with children, data shows that more young ones are developing lifestyle diseases than two decades ago. So, here are some ways to ensure healthy habits in your family.
How to Beat Summer Allergies
Hello beautiful people! I know it's been awhile since my last post (here) but life has been lifing! Anyways, today's post is on how to beat summer allergies. With summer in full swing, many of us are looking forward to spending time outdoors, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the warm weather. However, for some, it can also be a season of sniffles, and itchy eyes. Allergies! With pollen, dust, and mould spores floating in the air, it's easy to fall victim to summer allergies. But don't fret; I've got some tips to help you beat those pesky allergies and enjoy your summer to the fullest.