• Fitness All Day And All Night: Could A 24/7 Gym Help You Hit Your Fitness Goals?

    On the outside, the recent and quickly growing trend towards 24/7 gyms can seem like convenience gone mad. Surely some things just don’t work within an always-on model. And, is anyone really going to hit the gym at two or three in the morning?

    Perhaps not (though no shade if middle-of-the-night sessions are your jam!), but there are more benefits to a 24/7 gym model than you might realise. Even if you would never dream of hitting the workout equipment past ten at night, for which we don't blame you, you might just find that the increased accessibility and reduced pressure of the 24/7 gym model serves you well. 

    After all, with fewer people onsite at any given time, and with the ability to plan workouts around a time that always suits you rather than gym opening hours, it’s often easier to stay motivated and get into a good workout groove. That’s not to say that 24/7 gyms are going to work for everyone. If you’re happy with your traditional gym right now, then more power to you. However, it might be worth giving your local 24/7 gym a go if you’ve previously struggled with the following things.

  • Tatcha Japanese Beauty Review

    Tatcha Japanese beauty review

    Hello beautiful beauty junkies! Today's post is a Tatcha Japanese beauty review. I've been interested in trying this brand for ages! Finally it arrived and I was hesitant because of the price. It isn't a cheap brand however, they do have their travel minis which is much more affordable. Also, a little goes a long way because some of these products I've been using consistently for 2 months. Anyway, let's get go!

  • How To Exercise More In Your Daily Life

    How To Exercise More In Your Daily Life

    Hello beautiful people! Apart from being a travel junkie, I'm also all about health so you can live your best life. Today's post is about your physical health and how to exercise more in your daily life. If you are keen to try and care for your health better, you’ll of course know that exercise is always a big part of that. Let's face it, going to the gym isn't for everyone but there are ways to get your exercise in. Here are some of the things you can do to ensure you are exercising more in your daily life from now on, and enjoy the benefits of that.

  • My Current Morning Routine

    current morning routine - majeang.com

    Welcome back to the blog you beautiful human! Something no one asked for but, I'm sharing my current morning routine. I was really giving a snake legs and complicating things and it wasn't working for me. After really thinking about what was important and works for me, I narrowed it down to a few things. Hopefully this will give you some inspiration or ideas, if you're looking for a morning routine. Side note, none of this ground breaking.

  • Living Your Best Life As You Age

    7 Things They Don't Tell You About Self-Improvement- majeang.com

    Hello you beautiful humans! I am sure you have heard the saying, 'live your best life'. Well I'm here to say that it's not only for the teenagers and 20- somethings. As long as you have breath, you can live your best life! As you get older, you might start to encounter new and unique challenges. It’s important to be prepared for these issues and ensure that you are ready to tackle them head on. Here are some of the steps that you could take to be living your best life as you age.