Hello you beautiful people! December is in full swing and so are the holidays, how are you coping? If you’re...
Feeling Calmer While Living With Anxiety
*collaborative post Hello beautiful people! This post is for all of us who have or have had some kind of...
Why It’s Never Too Early To Start Planning For Retirement
*collaborative post Hello beautiful humans! You might think retirement is far away but the reality is, it’s not. Make future...
4 Ways to Reset Your Body Post Holiday
Hello beautiful humans! Welcome to October! The leaves have started to change colour and although the weather is still balmy, there are definite signs of autumn. I'm not a fan of the cold but I do enjoy watching the explosion of nature when the seasons change. Anyway, today's post I'm sharing 4 ways to reset your body post holiday. After an amazing holiday, apart from having the holiday blues your body may need a little reset.
5 Must Have Purchases From Amazon
Hello beautiful people! If you're like me and Amazon has you in a chokehold, you've come to the right blog post. I do my best to only purchase things that a) I actually need and b) will use consistently. Here are my 5 must have purchases from Amazon aka Bezos house.
How To Take Care Of Yourself During A Road Trip
Hello my fellow travel fiends! Travelling is a great thing but sometimes we do need look after ourselves when travelling. So if you're taking a road trip, visiting friends or planning your cross country trip this is the post for you. Today's post has tip and tricks how to take care of yourself during a road trip.