Hello beautiful people! How are you doing today? You know I'm a big fan of us single over 35-ers living with ease and as much joy as possible. With that in mind I looked at my life and picked out 25 things I did or, wish I did that have helped me. I hope it helps you if you haven't implemented any of these yet. Here are 15 things every single over 35 woman needs to do and I will share the rest in a subsequent blog post.
How to Romanticise Your Life As Single Woman Over 30
Hola mi gente! Or, hello my people! How are you all doing? I'm a day late but, Happy International Woman's day! Unfortunately in 2021 we are still dealing with gender inequality, pay gaps and a whole heap of issues that we shouldn't be dealing with, but we do. My prayer is that the ship makes a turn in the right direction. Anyway, on with today's topic and it's all about romanticising your life. I heard this phrase floating around social media and it made complete sense to me. To me it is all about being present in your life and showing up for you. Basically, you need to romance yourself like you would a partner. So here's how to romanticise your life as a single woman over 30.
Healthy Habits for the Single Woman to Cultivate
Hello my beautiful people! We're in week 3 of UK lockdown 2.0, how is it going for you? During the previous lockdown, I started to develop some healthy habits. If you're struggling with lockdown or, just life in general, maybe these tips can help you. Read on for my healthy habits for the single woman to cultivate.
4 Tips to Help Single Women Over 30 During Lockdown
Hello beautiful peeps! If you're in the UK, Spain, France and Germany then welcome to lockdown 2.0. Hang in there peeps. As you know this blog is geared towards the over 30 single woman and this post is specifically for those living on your own. These are 4 tips to help single women over 30 during lockdown.
4 Easy Ways to Make Your Days Easier
Hello lovely people! How are my UK readers doing after the announcement of lockdown 2.0? I know it isn't going to be the easiest of times for many of us, but hang in there. I hope this post helps you with your days in giving you a bit of stability. Here's 4 easy ways to make your days easier.
10 Things Single Women Over 35 Need to Know
Hello my beautiful people! How have you been? If you're in the UK, I'm sure you're feeling the sudden switch in temperature. I have to say going from 20+ degrees celsius to below 15 degrees has been a shock to my system. Can you say electric blanket? Anyways, today's are 10 things single women over 35 need to know.