Hello, my lovely giraffes! How are you all today? There's been a lot of talk recently about mental health and wellbeing because of the rise in suicides and high expectations society has placed on us. We are constantly bombarded by so many external distractions that life can become very overwhelming. When I had my counselling practice, a few of my clients didn't know how to look after their mental wellbeing. So, I decided to share a little guide on how to look after your mental wellbeing.
Why Failure Is Not The End
Today's post as you can tell from the title is about failure. More specifically; why failure is not the end because it really isn't even though it feels very much like it. If you're interested to read more about failure and why it's not the end scroll down.
Non Travel Bucket list of a Thirty Something
Hello, my lovely giraffes! I was thinking of what to write for this week's post and couldn't decide until I came up with the idea to do a non-travel bucket list of a thirty-something. There are a million and one bucket lists out there, I even wrote a couple myself, for things to do before you hit 30 or 25. What about someone who is in their late 30s? Last time I checked we had a lot to say and do, so here's my list.
Tips to Deal with Life when it becomes Overwhelming
Hello, my lovelies. How are you all the start of this week? I've been noticing lately that life can become pretty overwhelming. So, I thought I would share my tips to deal with life when it becomes overwhelming.
I'm not expert here but who knows maybe it will help someone out there who needs it. Remember to share and signup to the newsletter.
Things You Don’t Need In Your Life
I'm taking a pause from the skincare related posts (here and here) and thought I'd bring you more of an advice type blog. This post is all about the things you don't need in your life. When I say things I don't actually mean physical, material things but more situations and sometimes even people.
Grief – No one Prepares you for it
Grief is one those things that you kinda know would happen sometime in your lifetime but you always assume that it won't happen until you're in your twilight years. That's really silly! I should know because I thought that and then at age 16 my grandmother died and I didn't think things could get any worse.