My 2023 Wanderlust List

my 2023 wanderlust list

Hello my beautiful travel fiends! How are you and where have you been? Or booking? Today’s post is my 2023 wanderlust list. I’m a little late but wanted to still do this and I usually post one annually. You can read the previous ones, here, here and here. I should mention that for this year, I’m aiming to travel to countries and cities that I haven’t been to before. Whilst there are some places I’d revisit in a heart beat, like Bali, I want to get out of my comfort zone. So here we go!

My 2023 Wanderlust List


Visiting the capital of Hungary has been on my mental list for some time. I became intrigued when I watched Lucy, who I interviewed, stories and was intrigued. Apart from wanting to see and visit the picturesque buildings, there’s a lot of history. Also, the Danube River, underground caves and thermal spas. I’m a girl who enjoys a spa or several and would love to have that experience. I’ve had a Hamman whilst in Tunisia and Turkey before. Some of the best experiences I’ve had thus far. Finally, the flight time from the UK to Budapest is under 3 hours which is perfect for a solo weekend break.


Another city I was influenced to visit via social media. This city can be found in the southern part of Croatia and is surrounded by stone walls. Because it’s facing the Adriatic Sea, the sunsets are epic! The food and wine are also worth experiencing, according to all who visited. It’s also the perfect place to do a bit of island hopping or, visit nearby countries like Montenegro or Bosnia and Herzegovina. Definitely, a visit longer than a weekend is required although the flight time is under 3 hours. I’m thinking 5 to 7 days would be the perfect length of time to do and see what I would like. Have you been? Let me know how your experience was in the comments below.

aerial photography of boats in the sea
Photo by Luciann Photography on


I think place has been on my wanderlust list before and it’s here again. Clearly, I haven’t been able to cross it off yet. I’ve got my fingers and toes crossed that it happens this year. Visiting Petra and sleeping in a tent under the stars has been a dream of mine. It looks like stepping back in time. There’s also the dead sea, Jordan River, the Ma’in Hot Springs and so much more. The flight time is under 5 ½ hours from the UK and with the amount to do, 10 days would be the perfect length of time.

My 2023 wanderlust list
Lago Maggio, Italy


Each year, I make it my mission to visit a different part of Italy (here, here and here). It’s such a beautiful country and each area tells a different story. Not to mention, the food is spectacular. You haven’t had Italian food until you’ve had it in Italy. The preparation, the fresh ingredients and all the love that goes into making these dishes. Specifically, Sardinia is known for mutton stew, sea urchins, pecorino cheese and much more. This large beautiful island has sandy beaches, hiking trails and ancient monuments. With a flight time of 2 ½ hours it’s the perfect destination for a beach holiday.


Can you believe I haven’t been yet? I can literally take a train from Kings Cross and be in Scotland in under 6 hours. You can also get a discount if you have a network rail card. I don’t need to tell you how amazing a place it is all you need to do is look. In case you need a reminder. There’s a castle, palace, dungeon, gardens, parks, galleries, Arthur’s seat and so much more!

This is my 2023 wanderlust list and watch this space because I will be bringing you along.

I’d like to know what’s on your wanderlust list for this year. Let me know in the comments below. Thank you for reading and until next time, be well! x

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!