Welcome back beautiful people! How have you been? As always, January feels incredibly long which in some ways feels good and other ways, don’t! I’ve been doing a few things that help me during times like this. So here are the 7 things that can enhance your life.
7 Things that can Enhance Your Life
Being Intentional
Straight off the bat, being intentional with your time. If something is no longer serving you, why are you spending your energy on it? A simple example would be your inbox. You signed up to a bunch of newsletters but don’t read them. Just unsubscribe from them all. It saves you from having to delete them regularly. Another example, would be spending time with people who leave you feeling drained. You can either talk to them about how you’re feeling. If there’s no improvement, start to distance yourself from them. Your time is precious and life is incredibly short, be intentional.
Meditation and Prayer
If you’re wondering what to do with that extra time, start meditating and praying. There have been numerous studies that prove the benefits of meditating. Instead of spending your first waking hours scrolling through social media, getting annoyed, meditate or pray. If you don’t subscribe to any religion, meditation can be utilised by all. It can help minimise the noise you may experience in your head so you can have clarity. There are many YouTube videos to help you start or, there are apps such as, Calm.
Getting Finances in Order
We all know the importance of looking after our finances properly. When you have money worries, it can cause alot of stress which impacts upon all other areas of our lives. Getting your finances in order can enhance our life immeasurably. Set aside a day, or more and do an audit of your accounts. See where you can decrease and increase. Is there a possibility that you can get an increase in your salary? What about looking for a new job? Maybe a side hustle? Remember no judgement on yourself. Get help if it’s all too overwhelming. Check out the Money Advice Service and Citizen Advice Bureau. Both are free and give impartial advice and support. You’ve got this!
Healthy Relationships
Another tip to enhance your life is to review your relationships and see how healthy they are. This also includes the relationship you have with yourself. Do you or anyone need to make amends? Do you need to show appreciation to someone? Or do you feel unappreciated in your friend group? It can be painful but much healthier for you in the long run. If there are relationships that have run it’s course please remember breathing life into something that’s dead helps no one.
Travel to Somewhere New
If you’ve read my posts before then you absolutely know that travel will get featured. I’m aware that it isn’t always possible. However, new doesn’t have to be another country, it could be another town in your country. I did my first trip for the year and it helped shifted my perspective. It left me feeling inspired and a little bit invigorated. I plan to take a few more train journeys, if possible, this year and visit other parts of England.
Physical Health
Finally, we have your physical health which includes looking after your skin and body. It can be disheartening when your skin is in poor shape and who you are. So look after your skin. Figure our your skin type and get products that work with and for your skin. Check out the Skin Rocks app which is a great resource. As for your body, treat it with respect and kindness by feeding it fruits, vegetables and any missing nutrients. It’s not everyday cake and pizza. Set yourself a target to drink at least 1 litre of water each day. Get as much quality sleep as possible and remember you need your body to live your best life.
These are my 7 things that can enhance your life and I’d love to know what helps you. Let me know in the comments below.
Thank you for reading and until next time, be well! x