Hello travel fiend or you may be a travel enthusist. I’m starting to dream about travel again and making wanderlust lists again. It feels familiar yet strange after the past 18 months plus. I was optimistic last year and found that not travelling at all for this year tough. I know there are bigger issues in the world but I feel what I feel. Anways, here I go again dreaming of places near and far. This is my wanderlust list for 2022 and given how life is lately, there may even be a part 2.
Wanderlust list for 2022
If you’re a long time reader of mine, thank you and say hello in the comments! Anways, you probably would have read a couple of times that I want to go to Tokyo. This dream was almost materialised in June 2020. A random conversation with a friend and Jack Flight’s club coming up with a really good deal found me booked with flights. Of course none of this happened due to the pandemic and it’s still on the list. Who knows if Tokyo will open their doors next year, only time will tell.
Museums, parks, flamenco and tapas what more can you ask for? I’ve been to a few places in Spain such as, Barcelona, which was my first solo trip. There was also Madrid, Coruna and Valencia however, Seville has sat in the back of my head for quite some time and it’s firmly on my wanderlust list for 2022
Another trip that was to take place in 2020 but didn’t. I watched the guys from Handluggage Only explore this part of Portugal and was hooked. Having visited Lisbon a couple years ago, I knew Madeira would not disappoint. The pandemic however, did the disappointing.

I think I’ve been watching too much of the telenovela Destinos. I’ve been learning Spanish and have been hooked on this series from years ago. It takes place in a variety of Spanish speaking countries around the world and now I want to visit Argentina. They have a rich history and the tango looks like something I might want to try. Not to mention I’d love to sample some Argentinian empanadas.
The first birthday after my mother’s death, I went to Florence. I couldn’t tell you much about it except you can visit Pisa via train and the red wines are delicious but don’t trigger my migraines. Go figure! Anway, I would love to spend a few days exploring this part of Italy. The only hold up, apart from covid is, I don’t have a driver’s licence and for the best experience, its good to drive. Maybe by some miracle I could have one. Do you think it’s possible?
I am cautiously optimistic about travel for 2022 but we shall see what happens. All I can say is, what this space. You’ve read my wanderlust list for 2022, what’s yours? If I’ve been to any place you want to visit, maybe I can help. Let me know in the comments.
As always, thanks for reading and commenting. Until next time, be well! X