Hey lovelies! It’s been a hot minute since my last blog post. To be honest, I was not in the frame of mind to post anything. A lot has been going on in the world and I just needed to take a bit of a break. It got me thinking about and I wanted to share the 4 things 2020 has taught me so far.
4 Things 2020 has Taught me
Slow Down
This year started off with a bang for me. I had all these trips planned and lots of ideas for content creating. I even planned on building up my photography portfolio. If you guys didn’t know, I did a fashion photography course last year at Central Saint Martins. Check out my photography Instagram page here. It was the most exhausting and rewarding experience. So yeah…lots! Unfortunately, as the saying goes ‘make God laugh, tell him your plans’. Covid-19 pulled the rug out from under the entire world and we’re still dealing with it. Instead of being mad about it all, I just saw it as an opportunity to slow down. I had been going like the damn energizer bunny and suspect it’s been like that for you. Everything that we know has changed and it will never be the same. Slowing down has forced me to really look at what works for me, what doesn’t and what I really want to be and give out of life.
Change is Needed
Honey this movement has been brewing for quite some time and now is the time for once silenced voices to be heard. If you don’t know, I am from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago which means I’m West Indian and a black woman. Living in this skin and moving through the world is challenging and whilst, I am fortunate to live in the UK, it isn’t without its challenges. The microaggressions Black people and non-Black people of colour face on a daily basis is exhausting. It’s time for a change. It’s time for true diversity and equality to reign. No one is better than the other, there are differences and one shouldn’t oppress another because they don’t take the time to understand. Change is here to stay and if you don’t believe me, check out this new study by Wizer.

Life is Short
On some level most of us know that life is short. I know life is short and it was pretty in my face after my mother passed away. However, the human memory is such that we conveniently forget about the fragility and brevity of life. 2020 has taught and solidified in me how short life truly is. We don’t get a ‘do over’ and in some cases we aren’t given a second chance. All we can do is truly appreciate what and who we have in our lives whilst living to the fullest.
Clean House
Finally, one of the last things 2020 has taught me is the importance of cleaning house. Not your physical house, although that is important, but your mental and emotional house. What are the things that you’re hoarding that no longer serves you? When I thought about that question, I realised that my life does not need to be filled with stuff. Stuff clutters and creates dead space which stagnates my creativity and energy. It’s time to clean house. How about you?

These are the 4 things 2020 has taught me….so far! It’s not over and I’m sure there will be a lot of lessons left to learn. How about you? What has 2020 taught you so far? Let me know in the comments below.

As always, thank you for reading and please comment and engage with my content. It really helps me out. Also, if you want more resources about anti-racism, systemic racism and what the movement is about, please check out my #BLM highlight on Instagram.