3 Tips to Becoming Your Own Boss

3 tips to becoming your own boss- majeang.com

Have you ever felt that working behind a desk day in, day out is such a drag? It can grind you down and suck all the drive and fun out of life. It can certainly make you feel less than ambitious. I know for me, I feel like this quite often. I have to wonder when will I take that leap of faith? Whilst I’m answering the when question, I’m getting myself prepared to take that first step. Here are my 3 tips to becoming your own boss.

3 Tips to Becoming Your Own Boss

It is easier said than done becoming your own boss. However, with a bit of support in the form of long term loans from Evolution Money . Throw in a little bit of courage, you’re more than ready. You can find that little financial support can give you peace of mind. Plus these 3 tips to beoming your own boss I’m about to share.

Get Prepped

Don’t make this a spontaneous decision. It’s going to need just a little bit of planning to extricate yourself from your office. Then set up a new business which, you will most likely happen at the same time. It’s hard but be a little patient. Make sure whether you’re offering a product for sale or services, your website is the first thing you get right. Consider it your shopfront and first port of call and invest time and possibly finances in getting it spot on.

Also ensure that if necessary, you’re registered as a business and getting a UTR number UK. This also means signing up to all the tax agencies. No one wants to owe HMRC. Then you’re ready to go.

Set Your Own Rules

Stepping away from a salaried position into the unknown can be daunting. However, if you’ve judged it right, it will be personally as well as financially rewarding. Naturally in those first few weeks and months you’re going to need to work hard and get yourself established. Once you’re up and running allow yourself a little breathing space.

Start setting rules around how long you work and making sure you don’t let your work life take too much away from your life outside work. When you’re closed for the day, you’re closed! Switch off that laptop and don’t even think about answering that work phone. It’s all too easy to pick up a smartphone and start responding to emails but, instil a little discipline for a better work/life balance. After all, you’re the boss and you’re also your best employee so treat yourself like one.


Give yourself six months to settle into a working routine before you review where you are and where you’re going. Now is the time to start setting up goals for the next financial year. Start creating a list of objectives that you can achieve to take you there.You took that bold step to walk away from a steady working life so stay ambitious and ready to achieve everything you set out to. Stick to your guns and enjoy watching your hard work pay off as your business goes from strength-to-strength. Be prepared to grow and don’t be afraid of it when work suddenly takes off. Follow those goals and objectives and you’ll never look back or think about returning to work for anyone else.

Those are my 3 tips to becomings your own boss. Have you started your journey to becoming your own boss? What are your tips? Let me know in the comments below.

*contributed post and may contain affiliate links

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!