Staying Motivated With Your Fitness Routine

staying motivated with your workout routine

Happy July you fitness giraffes! We’re already in the swing of summer, although the weather in the UK leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway, today’s post is not about my wanderlust but about staying motivated with your fitness routine. You know how we feel so motivated and gung-ho about joining the gym and by week 2 it’s fallen by the side? Then you wonder why you’re wasting your money. I’m here to share some tips to get your fitness motivation mojo going again!

Staying Motivated with Your Fitness Routine

Workout Buddy

Yup! That’s right! Get yourself a workout buddy. Someone who is more motivated than you and has similar goals. I kept saying that I wanted to get serious about training and did nothing about it until a really good friend became my gym buddy. She holds me accountable and I’m actually finding myself motivated to go to the gym even when she’s not around.

New Workout Gear

There’s nothing wrong with wearing your leggings and t-shirt to get your workouts on. I did it for years! However, there’s something to be said for getting yourself some new workout gear.

staying motivated with fitness- dw fitness gear

staying motivated with your workout routine- workout gear

I was kindly gifted a Reebok tank top and sports bra by DW Sports and I’m thinking of purchasing some new trainers to wear specifically for the gym. Not only is looking good for the gym a great motivator but having the proper the gear is beneficial for the lovely lady lumps and your feet.

Set Realistic Goals

This point is a reminder for all of us to be realistic with our goals and the timeframe in which we would like to achieve our goals.

For example, trying to lose a stone (14lbs) in 2 weeks is unrealistic and can be dangerous. You can take inspiration from others, I’m all for that, but please remember that we are all unique. What will work for one person may not necessarily work for you. Also healthy is the name of the game.


My final tip for staying motivated with your fitness routine is to challenge yourself. Set mini-challenges to do. A simple challenge could be to increase your water intake over the course of a week.

staying motivated with fitness- food

Another could be to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. Or, challenge yourself to achieve 10,000 steps a day for a week. These mini challenges will tap into that competitive side of you, especially if you’re doing it with someone else.

Good luck with your fitness journey and hopefully my tips on staying motivated with your fitness is beneficial. Special thanks to DW Sports for collaborating on this post. They have all the major sports brands covered under one virtual roof!

As always, thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe to more lifestyle, fashion and travel posts.

Until next time, be well!


More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!