Happy travel Thursday beauties! Hurray it’s almost the end of the work week for some of us. Today’s post is about being a considerate tourist. With the advancement of technology and disposable income, many of us have been truly fortunate to be able to travel to other countries. We’ve been able to see and experience different cultures which enhances our growth. With that said, I have seen and heard dumb ish from some tourists, so here are a few tips to not be like that.
Being A Considerate Tourist

Dress Appropriately
Just because you’re holidaying in a hot climate does not necessarily mean that you should have your butt cheeks hanging out. Whilst Trinidad and Tobago, Brazil and other countries that celebrate carnival may wear skimpy costumes, this isn’t necessarily the norm of everyday life. This is only for parade days. Don’t get me wrong you can wear dresses, skirts, tank tops and shorts which are made out of light fabric. No need for layers and layers of clothing, you are on holiday after all. If you’d like me to do a post on what to pack for hot climates, let me know in the comments below.
If you’re visiting a country where English isn’t the first language, learn a few helpful words and phrases. It will encourage conversation and you might make a new friend or 2. To be honest there is an expectation that people who visit your own country will be able to speak the language, why not reciprocate?
I remember watching this show called Shirley Valentine and she was from Liverpool visiting Greece. She embraced the Greek food and thoroughly enjoyed it. Other guests complained that the menu only had Greek food, which considering that they were in Greece was insane! Yes most countries will have popular fast food chains but, are you really visiting to eat the same food you can have practically everyday in your own home? Go on and be a little adventurous!
Every country (yes that includes islands) will have laws and just like you respect the ones in your home country, you need to respect the ones in the country you’re visiting. For instance, most Caribbean islands haven’t legalised marijuana and you can get arrested for possession. Something to bear in mind 😉
Those are my quick tips on how to be a considerate tourist, especially in a hot climate. I think it’s really important to be respectful when visiting another country, don’t you think?
Now I would love to know if you have any other tips you’d like to add? Or, do you disagree with the tips? Comment below!

As always, thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe in the box below.
Until next time, be well