How to Survive Holiday Dread

how to survive holiday dread

You know it’s coming up to that time of year where there are lots of parties, amazing food, glittery shoes and clothes. However, for some people there’s holiday dread. If you don’t know what holiday dread is, it’s that feeling you get when you realise that Christmas is coming and you don’t want to have anything to do with it. You aren’t necessarily a Christmas Grinch but you may find this time of year particularly difficult. It is hard for those who lost a loved one, are going through heart break, depression, anxiety and a number of other issues.

I often times wish there was some magic potion to help someone going through holiday dread, because I myself know first hand what that’s like. Sadly I don’t but through personal experience I do have some tips to hopefully make it a bit easier.

Surviving Holiday Dread Tips

Plan early– decide what you want to do over the holidays and let people who need to know, know.

Do fun stuff – if you have a lot of events to attend and feel overwhelmed by them all, think about the ones that you will have fun at and attend those.

Self-care – rich foods, alcohol and late nights can have a toll on your body and mind. Remember to take time out and look after yourself. It could be running a bath or something really simple as sitting in a quiet space for 15 minutes and breathe. Essentially give yourself regular breaks throughout this season to regroup.

Check in– ask yourself, what do I need? How am I feeling? Is this what I want to do? Sometimes the world gets too loud and we can become overwhelmed. Stopping and asking yourself how you feel is a good way to ascertain where you are emotionally, mentally and physically.

Those are my tips on surviving the holiday dread. Do you get the holiday dread? Any tips you can share in the comments below? Christmas is a wonderful time of year but we need to be mindful of ourselves and others who find this year difficult.

As always thank you for reading and don’t forget to subscribe, there’s a box just below to sign up. I share advice, tips and tricks on lifestyle related topics, travel and fashion.

Until next time, be well




More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!