Happiness Pressure

Hello again beauties, hope the week has been kind to you. If it’s been a bit rough I’m sending you virtual hugs and hang in there 😉

Hopefully today’s post will give you a bit of a pick me up, as it’s all about happiness! Yup that thing that everyone says we need to strive for.

To me happiness is a feeling and just like feelings it comes and goes. If you think about it, feelings are like rainbows and there’s no such thing as good or bad feelings, they just are (read more here) and there’s so much pressure for us to be happy all the time. I feel exhausted just thinking about it. Don’t you?

We are meant to feel the whole spectrum of feelings so that we can learn more about ourselves, our boundaries and grow. I’ve learnt that life is all about the experience and if we’re lucky we get partake in it all. So if you’re feeling the pressure to be happy all the time, here are some of my tips to alleviate some of it.

  1. Understand that everyone will have an opinion about how you should feel about a given situation. Yup everyone will tell you that you should feel (insert feeling) which invariably invalidates what you really feel. Opinions are something we all have but ultimately, it is your life, brain, body and feelings! So don’t get caught up in OPO 😉
  2. Feelings are transient. Like the weather your feelings will change moment to moment and you know what? That’s OK! Welcome to the human race 🙂 Feel what you feel when it arises and be curious about what this is trying to tell you or teach you.
  3. Stay in the moment. Happiness isn’t served on a platter but situations that bring you joy or happiness will always come your way, so enjoy it. I remember when I was going through one of the most painful experiences in my life, I won a trip to the Cannes Film Festival (click here). Despite the pain, I enjoyed every single moment I was there and now I will always remember those moments. It also did help that I got to see Jake Gyllenhall 😉
  4. Finally, be your own happiness generator. Being dependent on another person on situation will always bring disappointment but if you know how to make yourself happy, then honey you rock!

That’s all I have for you today, but I would love you hear what makes you happy in the comments.

Outfit details
Dress – F&F sold out (alternatives here and here)
Wellies – Hunter
Photography by Lisa

Oh and if you’re on Bloglovin you can follow me there!

Until next time be well.



More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!