5 Ways To Show Yourself Selfcare

5 ways to show yourself selfcare

Welcome back to the blog! How have you been? Hopefully you’re all caught up with my posts and read about my adventures in Sri Lanka. Today’s post is about 5 ways to show yourself selfcare. You may have heard about it before and wondered what the heck does that look like. Well I’ve got a few ideas that are tried and tested by moi. So save this post to read later or to remind you when you need it.

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5 Ways to Show Yourself Selfcare

Selfcare isn’t always pleasant. Sometimes its downright painful but despite that you need to care and love you. 1, it teaches others how to treat and love you right. And 2, you are able to give to others more easily and 3 it shows others how they can care for themselves too! Basically, it’s a win win situation.


Let’s start off with something simple as journalling. It’s a really great way to take your thoughts, feelings and everything out of your head and put on paper. You get to offload onto something that can take it. The more you journal, the more you can gain clarity about your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It can help you with painful experiences in your life and give you a bit of separation of it and yourself. Separation can help you view a situation objectively and offer yourself compassion. Compassion is an act of selfcare and self love. Some people need prompts and some don’t. The journal can be plain or covered in pretty patterns. Whatever floats your boat and entices you to pick it up and write in it.

Nourishing Food

Food, glorious food! It can be such a comfort especially during the winter months which can be a good thing. Or anytime really. Eating nourishing food that is cooked from fresh, that not only fills your tummy but does something good for your cells and organs. It’s a beautiful thing. If your tummy is full with delicious food and feels good, you feel good too! I’m aware that not everyone can afford or access fresh food so do the best you can with what you have. Nourishing yourself with food is basically saying to yourself that you’re important to be cared for in this way


One of the things I notice when I meditate is how quiet my mind gets. Oh don’t get me wrong, in the beginning 5 minutes was a lot. Now I can average about 10 minutes which is pretty good for me. With regular meditation, it can help with anxiety, sleep, clarity and your mood. There are loads of apps like Calm you can use. Or simply go on YouTube and search for something you like the sound of. Being able to just slow down for a few minutes from the hustle and bustle that is life is only a good thing.

Skincare Routine

Of course I had to get skincare in there somewhere :). The act of caring for your skin is selfcare because its slowing down to show your body some love. It may not be for everyone but, allocating a little bit of time in the morning and evening to simply take care of your skin can be wonderful. An evening skincare routine can be a great way to show yourself selfcare. Find the products that work for your skin and really massage the product into your skin. You can check out some affordable skincare products here.

Working Out

My final tip is to work out. Yes I’m waffled on about this here, here and here but I’ll waffle on here. Move your body in some way. Put on a playlist and dance up a storm or, maybe you used to skip rope when you were younger. Get one off *Amazon for under £5 and start skipping again. Or perhaps you would like to try something new like pole dancing or even salsa dancing. Plus, learning a new skill can build confidence which adds to caring for yourself.

These are my 5 ways to show yourself selfcare. How about you? What do you do to show yourself care and love? Let me know.

As always thank you for reading and until next time, be well! x

More about majeang

A 30-plus Trini lifestyle, travel and fashion blogger living in the UK trying to live her best life whilst, showing others that they can to!