So we’re in the middle of summer and a pandemic! I know a few people have decided to still go away to places that have re-opened their doors. I know, I feel your pain because since my last trip travel plans are up in the air. With this in mind I’m sharing a few ideas on how to safely enjoy your summer. Here’s a list of things you can do over the summer without a holiday.
Things You can do over the Summer Without A Holiday
Plan A Picnic
Not all your friends will be going away so, call them up and get everyone to bring a dish, plus drinks. Find a park and enjoy yourself. Alternatively, if you have a garden, patio or balcony that could also work. If you want to go all out, check out Poundland or Flying Tiger for some picnic ideas that won’t make your debit card cry. Please remember to socially distance.
Contrary to popular belief, there are beaches in the UK. Brighton, Dorset and Devon to name a few areas with beaches. A beach I went to recently was Botany Bay in Kent. It felt like we were in the South of France, although I was there to work.

The weather report is pretty good at stating when we’re going to have a scorcher, which is a great time for you to plan a day trip to the beach.
See England
One of the things I appreciate about living in this country is a number of beautiful places there are to explore. Not only in London but if you travel to Kent, you will find beautiful towns and villages to explore and enjoy. It’s not that far, we’re talking 30 to 40 mins on a train to somewhere different.
There are Lavender fields which has ample space. Or you can visit the Wetlands in Walthamstow, if you need to be in nature whilst still being in London.
You could also visit Scotland or Wales. The lovely guys at Handluggage Only were sharing their amazing week in Wales. Check out their Instagram for some inspiration.
Go Safari
Sounds crazy I know but hear me out! Have you heard of Woburn Safari Park? Well if you haven’t, you will now! There are lions, tigers, and bears oh my! You get to drive around the park as times as you like. Just mind the monkeys that like to sit on top of your car for a ride 😉
Rooftop Bars and Restaurants
With London’s amazing skyline there are several rooftop bars around the city. If you live in any of the major cities in England you will also find rooftop bars. Some may even double as a cinema. Just double check that the bars in your area have reopened.

These are my summer plans without a holiday list. Do you have summer plans that don’t involve jetting off in the sunset? Let me know and share your suggestions.

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Until next time, be well!