Hello my travel giraffes or under cover travel junkies. The last few years have seen an increase of people travelling further afield and for much longer. People are shedding their office attire and throwing on swimwear. With social media you get to see what everyone is up to and it can make you have a case of FOMO. Or just fed up with images of exotic beaches, blue sea and leafy palms all over your socials? I mean who can blame you. You’ve been bitten by the travel bug and here you are stuck in the humdrum of your daily office life.
Bitten by the Travel Bug
You’re faced with the morning commute and the questionable weather, seeing other people’s travel adventures can feel very personal indeed. Instead of stewing and getting vex that Jason is swimming in Mexico, maybe it’s time, time to say goodbye to this restrictive cubicle-based existence and hello to new experiences, new cultures, new food and new people. It’s time to travel. Let’s take a look at how you’re going to make that happen, with this short guide on stepping way out of your comfort zone.
Making The Decision
Are you really still deciding? This is your moment, your chance. If you feel like you’ve missed the boat and should have got all that travelling done in your gap year, think again. When you’ve been bitten by the travel bug, age is irrelevant. Travelling as an adult with a little more financial security behind you is an even better experience. You’re older, more confident and more in control. Grasp the opportunity with both hands and stop worrying about the ‘what ifs’ instead concentrate on the ‘I will’.
All that’s really left for you to decide is where you’re going to go. How you’re going to get there and where you plan on staying. Start by looking at some of your favourite places online and plot an itinerary that takes you everywhere, soaring through countries and continents to wherever your heart desires.

Getting Things in Order
There will be some degree of planning to take care of and that will include decisions to be made about your job, home and so on. Check your employee handbook to see if you can take a sabbatical or unpaid leave. If it’s available then take the offer and run. If not, then you’ll need to decide if this is a job you want to hang on to. Perhaps this whole adventure is an opportunity for change? Do you rent? Maybe consider quitting or sub-letting where you are. Or, if you own a property you might also consider letting for the duration you’re away.
In terms of finance, use those savings. There’s never been a better reason to check out a guarantor loans calculator if you’re planning on borrowing to finance your trip.
Wherever you’re planning on going and whatever you’re planning on doing while you’re out there now is your time. Before life throws anything more your way. Or before you plan on settling down for good, why not squeeze one last adventure in? You’ll have the rest of your life for working and office life. So get your own taste of paradise with the beach life, nightlife and amazing views. You’re not just doing it for your Instagram feed, but it’s not going to hurt right?
Blog your Adventures
You might even want to set up a blog detailing the experiences you have. It’s a great way to keep friends and family back home up to speed on where you are. Making big changes takes courage, so grasp yours in both hands. Start planning where your next adventure will take you, out of your comfort zone. It may just turn out to be your adventure of a lifetime.
To me there’s nothing worse than ‘shoulda, coulda, woulda’. If you haven’t been bitten by the travel bug, that’s absolutely fine. Find the thing that you most want to do because, without sounding morbid, we’re not getting out alive. So are you going to take the plunge? Let me know in the comments below.
As always, thank you for reading and I’ve got a bumper newsletter out on Sunday. Make sure to subscribe in the box at the top ;).