Hello my lovely giraffes. Spring has officially sprung and how wonderful that is. Today’s post is all about heart break because we’ve all been there. Well most of us ;). We all know it’s painful to go through a break up but you can learn a lot. Read on to know what I learned about break ups.

What I learned about Break ups
Grieving Process
There’s no ifs, ands, buts or maybes about it, you will grieve the end of your relationship. You will grieve for the end and for will never be, regardless of whether your partner was good to you or not. It’s just a process that you will go through and it’s actually pretty healthy to grieve. How you do your grieving process is entirely your own. Just ensure that you don’t get stuck in it. Oh and your time to grieve is yours and yours alone. It’s nobody’s business but your own.
Some people will not understand
What I learned about heart breaks is that some of your family and friends will not understand your pain. This has absolutely nothing to do with you. Let me repeat, this has nothing to do with you. It is all about them. It is okay that they don’t understand your process. As long as they respect that it is your process, it doesn’t matter.

My final lesson in this, what I learned about heart breaks post, is about resilience. I realised a couple years after the worst break up in my life that I am resilient. I survived my life falling apart and have managed to rebuild it in a way that I am happy with. You will get to a point where you will look back on that time in your life and think how strong you are.
That’s what I learned about heart breaks, how about you? What have you learnt? Share in the comments below.
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