Hello you gorgeous thang! When I initially started my blog it was to help me during a really difficult time in my life however, it’s slowly evolving into a platform where I can inform, encourage, motivate and make you smile (hopefully!). So with that in mind I’m so excited to be launching this interview series on my blog called Women in Business. My aim is to introduce you all to the #girlbosses out there who are quietly or loudly making waves.
To kick off, I’d like to introduce you to Julia Burdet, Editor of the luxury lifestyle and design magazine called Designed. I sat down with her to find out what it’s like to be an Editor and how she manages it all! Not only is Julia clever and funny but she’s also kindly given some tips for anyone wanting to go out there and follow their dreams.
How did you get started?
I was in Italy writing guidebooks and was asked, out of the blue, to launch a magazine for a London based businessman. It was a learning curve but we’d started from scratch so rules could be broken, which is usually a good thing! I edited the trade magazine we’d launched for the interiors industry for 10 years, before deciding to focus on the luxury side of design, still for the trade but also for anyone interested in design. It (luxury) can have an element of elitism, so when I say luxury, it’s the luxury of good design and craftsmanship. It’s much more about the love, time and expertise that go into beautifully designed and made pieces, and less about monetary value.
You recently launched lifestyle and design magazine, how did that come about?
It was just a natural progression. Launching a new magazine to create something in the publishing world that celebrated design, as a genuinely valuable sourcebook and to showcase design that enriches our lives – hopefully in as beautiful a way as possible.
What is it that you enjoy about being an Editor?
The best thing is meeting creative minds and having the opportunity to hear their stories behind their creations. Editing in itself is collecting the most fascinating stories in a way that can excite the reader, then tying them together with a thread – even an invisible one! Editing also has an element of alchemy to it, where you take raw material and transform it – and that’s what I love most.
Have you faced any resistance in this field being a woman?
I recognise that in many instances, and in some fields in particular, women do have to work harder than men to achieve the same. On the whole though in the creative industries, people tend to be much more interested in nurturing and building relationships than in obstructing them, and there’s a lot of support across the board for whoever is involved.
What advice would you give to anyone wanting to get into this field?
Show your enthusiasm. Let people know that you want to learn and participate; enthusiasm is infectious. Ask questions and write to people. Maybe 9 won’t answer but for sure 1 eventually will. Also learn in-depth about the sectors you’re interested in but also keep your mind open to side avenues that you wouldn’t have thought of before. Finally, never be disheartened because a lot of people involved in the creative industries will recognise positive attitudes and doors will open for them.
What’s a typical day, if you have one?
There is no typical day, except it starts early and ends late! There might be meetings with the team or out, the launch of a new product, a press trip, writing a feature, researching products or working on layouts with the designer… or it might be creating the running order of the magazine, proofing or press passing, watching the whole thing actually come together. Then there’s normal life to fit in too… Fundamentally, any day will involve making sure all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.. and will be on time!
Do you have a dream goal that you’re working towards?
I would like the magazine to be seen as something that brings pleasure, delight even!… and tells stories that should be told.
What makes your heart sing?
Watching someone light up when they interact with others’ creativity, being entranced by a work of art – natural or manmade… and seeing a job well done.
I would love to know in the comments below what you thought of this interview and the series. As always thank you for reading and commenting.
Until next time, be well
You can pick up your copy of the latest Designed issue at Selfridges, Harrods or WHSmith. You can also check out www.designedmagazine.com Twitter: @designedmag; Instagram: @designedmagazine