• How to Grow Your Nails (The Strong and Healthy Way)

    person holding white ceramic bowl

    Hello beautiful people! We talk alot about skincare (here and here) on this blog including body care. However, the one thing we haven't delved into which is surprising and that's nails. So today's post is all about how to grow your nails. If you have always wanted to grow your nails long, but you find that they always end up breaking, getting brittle, or you bite them before they can flourish, then there are a few things you probably need to know about browning strong and healthy nails you will truly love.

  • 10 Things To Do Instead of Doom Scrolling on Social Media

    10 things to do instead of doom scrolling social media - www.majeang.com

    Hello gorgeous humans! It's amazing how the year is zooming by because we're in September already! Anyways, today's post is all about 10 things to do instead of doom scrolling on social media. Let's face it, we've all done it when we're bored or can't sleep. Social media is a great tool when used in a positive way. For instance, you can curate your feed on Tiktok so you see mostly uplifting or educational content. Scrolling mindlessly can wreak havoc on your mental health. I've got a few things you could do instead to cut down the doom scrolling and put you back in control.