Have you ever felt that working behind a desk day in, day out is such a drag? It can grind you down and suck all the drive and fun out of life. It can certainly make you feel less than ambitious. I know for me, I feel like this quite often. I have to wonder when will I take that leap of faith? Whilst I'm answering the when question, I'm getting myself prepared to take that first step. Here are my 3 tips to becoming your own boss.
4 Reasons You Don’t Need to be Positive All the Time
Let me start off by saying that I’m not a negative nancy nor am I against positivity. What I am ‘against’ is the onslaught of positivity that we get from everywhere! Have you noticed on social media that if you express a less than positive outlook, it’s like you’re exiled until you join the happy band. So if you ever feel the pressure to be positive all the time, this post is for you.
Emotional and Practical Things to Consider When You Live Abroad
Homesickness is a big one and typically affects a lot of people. It can either be so bad that you're simply not able to stay in the new place. Or, it can fade away after a bit of time living in the country. For most people, it comes in waves and it will come at certain times
How to Improve Your Wellbeing
Hello my lovelies how are we doing this last week in November? Did you survive the Black Friday and Cyber Monday madness? It's official, Christmas is less than a month away! Eek! Before we go into the madness that the holiday season can bring, let's take a moment to look at how to improve your wellbeing. Life can be overwhelming, especially at this time of year and we can forget about ourselves, which is a recipe for burnout.
How Helpful the Joy of Missing Out is
Hello my lovely giraffes! Today's post is about how helpful the joy of missing out is. I'm sure you've heard about FOMO (fear of missing out) and a lot of people do get an acute case of this. Me included! So you've been scrolling through your social media feed and see that everyone is going to that party. Or, that trip that you really wanted to go on but it just didn't happen. I feel you and completely can relate to those feelings.
Things You Need to Know in Your 30s
Hello, my lovely giraffes! We are officially in autumn and summer has left the building *sniff sniff*. As you would have gathered I am a summer baby but, we're here to talk about things you need to know in your 30s. As I'm just a few months away from hitting 40, I thought I would share some important info that I wish I knew.