Hello, my lovelies! How are you? We're in the full swing of February and most likely some of us have fallen off the resolution wagon. No judgement from me but, I suspect you're probably beating yourself up for it. Or, have completely ignored it so you don't beat yourself up for it. Completely understandable! No one needs that kind of energy in their lives. So to give you a little hand, I'm sharing my tips on getting over the resolution slump.
Is Hard Work Worth It?
You probably read the title and wondered what on earth am I on about in today's post. Of course, hard work is worth it! Just look at people like Oprah and Richard Branson who worked hard and are enjoying the fruits of their labour.
True! But does it work for the 21st century? Is hard work worth it?
How to Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends
Hello my lovelies how are we this week? It's hard to believe that we're still in January! It feels like it's 91 days instead of 31. Even though it has been a long month, it did get me thinking about how to spend quality time with family and friends. We live in a very fast paced world and can get sucked into the digital world that we can sometimes forget our real family and friends. So I thought I would share some tips on how to get that quality time in.
Coping With Insomnia
Hello my lovelies how have you been? Today's post I'm sharing something that I've struggled with off and on for the past few years which is, insomnia. It's not exactly a topic of conversation that really gets discussed so I'm going to tell you how I've been coping with insomnia in the hopes that it helps one person.
The Trouble With Perfection
Hello! How was your Monday? If it wasn't that good at least it's Tuesday which means one step closer to the weekend :). Today's post is all about the trouble with perfection. We're bombarded with images of what success looks like and that you have to be perfect in order to be successful. This inevitably makes you feel like you're a failure and not good enough. This is so true for those of us who are over the age of 30. If you haven't accomplished what society says we should have around this age then, we're deemed imperfect. Read on for my thoughts on the trouble with perfection.
Coping with Life’s Uncertainties
Unless you've been under a rock you would realise that there's a lot of craziness happening all over the world. It feels sometimes like the world has gone mad! I know I sometimes feel like this and it can be a little bit overwhelming. So with that in mind, I thought I would share how I'm coping with life's uncertainties.